Saturday, January 18, 2014

Talisman Barbarian Warrior :D


Recently I wanted to paint a quick project. I decided to paint one of the first models that I had so I checked my model box for something interesting and there I he was waiting for me about 15 years :D. I did not know from where was this model but I have bought him with a old polish magazine called "Magia i Miecz" (Eng. "Magic and Sword"). I searched the stuff of legends website and found out that this model is a plastic Warrior form Talisman 3rd ed. With a big smile on my face I started to paint this guy and it took me about 8-9 hours to finish him. Man those models ware easy to paint, big flat surfaces and a small amount of details but I had much fun painting him. Here you have some photos of the finished dude :D.

I hope you like him. I practiced some metallic’s but now I know that GW golden metallics are crap and I must buy some from a other company. One thing I noticed that Inks are very useful when painting with metallic paints. I recommend you to try them out. I use Valejjo Game Color Inks and for this guy I have used Smokey Ink and Black Ink. 
Ah and I forgot to mention that the new GW paint for painting blood is very good and useful.
As always any comments are welcome so let me know what you think about this one. No I go to paint something more complicated :P

Best regards,